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The Nasopharyngoscope
High Level Disinfection
This website is dedicated to the Nasopharyngoscope; the work horse and a gold standard of care in our offices. The products on this site are designed by the Otolaryngologists for the Otolaryngologists. There are no middle men to benefit financially in the transections on this site. The purchase price includes the manufacturing cost and 10% service charge.
We are Not Ready Yet
Reprocessing the flexible Nasopharyngoscope

Scientific Methodology
The design and the materials chosen are according to the microbiology lab guidelines and work place safety standards.

Design Principles
The design elements provide safety and comfort for the users.

Performance of Leak Tests, Solution Strength Test and Storage, all in one place.
Safety of the Nasopharyngoscope and the Workplace Environment are the primary features; besides the looks befitting the modern office of an Otolaryngologist.

Primary components of HLD-Station
Story Of HLD-Station
The story of advancements in medicine is the story of human endeavours to mitigate the ill-effects of preventable diseases. The story of the Nasopharyngoscope and the HLD Station is a minuscule side note in this story.
3-Ds Of Self Protection
Preventative Maintenance of Nasopharyngoscope
Text Pages

Scope Of Practice
Paediatrics to Geriatrics, Respirology, Gastroenterology, Immunology, Oncology, Infections Diseases, Endocrinology, Emergentology, Dermatology and Facial Plastics.

A True Multi-Speciality

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